Tehosta Autodesk Inventor -työskentelyäsi: 8 vinkkiä Sovelia Inventorin hyödyntämiseen
8 vinkkiä Sovelia Inventorin hyödyntämiseen. Lue blogista lisää.
You may remember in a previous post that we mentioned the restriction in the industry collections limiting product use to 2 products in concurrent use.
Effective immediately, Autodesk have removed the industry collection concurrent title restriction and are allowing customers to use as many products concurrently within the collection as they need to support their workflows. The industry collections continue to evolve and are increasingly focused on the support of multi-product workflows. Autodesk state that this restriction was removed as the limitation did not support this progression.
What are the differences between single-user and multi-user licenses?
Single-user licenses:
Multi-user licenses:
For more info please see Autodesks information pages https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Industry-Collections-Licensing.html or contact your Symetri account managers on info@symetri.com
If you want more information about deploying the collections please see our previous blog post on how this can be achieved: CQI: How to deploy Autodesk Industry Collections
8 vinkkiä Sovelia Inventorin hyödyntämiseen. Lue blogista lisää.
Miltä näyttää rakennusalan tulevaisuus? Autodesk Construction Cloud ja tekoäly
Autodesk Construction Cloud suojaa projektidatasi ja vähentää tietojen katoamisen ja luvattoman käytön riskiä, sekä mahdollistaa turvallisen pääsyn tietoihin usealta laitteelta.