Driving innovation through teamwork and passion

At Symetri, we always strive to challenge people to work smarter for a better future. That means challenging our customers, but also our partners and ourselves.

Driving innovation through teamwork and passion

During these extraordinary times, innovation is more important than ever, and we are proud to see our teams step up to the plate and take action. We believe that these circumstances are not just a hurdle to get over, but an opportunity to change, grow and find new and more efficient ways to work.

We are on a constant journey of improvement, to be able to continuously provide leading edge solutions and services to our customers. That includes engaging in research projects to evaluate industry needs, and always searching for new ways to ensure our customers have an advantage in their markets.

This week, Autodesk recognised our work at the annual yearly Autodesk Channel Partner Conference and awarded Symetri with the prestigious award for Business Innovation 2020. The award is presented to a company who has demonstrated an innovative culture and made a tangible difference around customer success.

Would you like to know more about our work, or learn how you can work smarter? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Jyrki Petsalo

Jyrki Petsalo

Finland Rakennussuunnittelun ratkaisut
Markku Koistinen

Markku Koistinen

Finland Director Finland, Product Design & Lifecycle

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